Sunday, December 9, 2012

What do you want?

I want happiness. There's a million different roads that end up there, but mine isn't laid out in front of me. It's either under construction or I'm just in the wrong place. I'm not giving up though, I'm just going to drive til I find it. I had to write an essay on a prompt that said the purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to have lived and lived well and to make a difference. I completely disagreed with it. I think happiness is the most important. I think that being useful, to have lived and lived well, and to make a difference can all be components for happiness, but it depends on the person. One person's happiness could be completely different from another persons'.

Don't squander opportunities. Don't be lazy. Don't be pessimistic. A wise yolo-er once told me, "The angel of death could come at anytime, you're never going to know when." Even though this came from some random kid it struck a chord in me because it's true. Every day things could make a whole world of difference. Do something that you might not normally do for a change. Be open-minded. Be ambitious. Be happy. Be an old guy who is proud of himself.
Be this guy

Poem Jealousy

I basically know nothing about famous poets or poetry in general. I usually like poetry it's just not what I usually choose to read. My favorite poem is The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost. My dad read me this poem when I was a kid and it has stuck with me ever since.   The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.

This poem talks about how the popular decision isn't always the decision that is right for you. Sometimes you need to go against the grain and do what you want to do. One part I really like is the third stanza because it shows that either way the choice is going to have a big impact on your life because one decision leads to another.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Tribute to past video games

1. Rock Band- still the greatest thing ever
2. Mario Cart- still the greatest thing ever
3. Sonic Adventure- Sonic=Speedy
4. All Zelda games
5. Super Monkey Ball 2
6. Godzilla Destroy All Monsters
7. Morrowind
8. Star Wars Battlefront 2
9. Super Smash
10. Mary-Kate and Ashley: Magical Mystery Mall
^jk that is the worst game ever made^
real 10. Toy Commander


Me talking to Macklemore, the tightest of all rappers.

Macklemore- "I've only got twenty dollars in my pocket"
Bob- "That's cool, Macklemore"
"$h!t, this is only 99 cents!"
"Wow I really hope you don't write a song about our trip to the D.I., that would be horrible."
"Bag it, coppin' it, washin' it, 'bout to go and get some compliments"
"What are you even saying?"
"I'ma take your grandpa's style, I'ma take your grandpa's style, no for real - ask your grandpa - can I have his hand-me-downs"
"Sure I don't care. Do you always talk like this?"
"I wear your granddads clothes, I look incredible."
"My granddad would never wear a coat that massive."

This is pretty much how Macklemore made the song Thrift Shop. It's wayyy genius and great.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Newspaper Blackout

Love the
the conflict
recognize potential
desire experience
pursue production

money attempts
to fix it
but has a
hard time
consider a certain
level of seriousness
just go through
the motions
the love of money
is a virtue

Sunday, November 18, 2012

How to pretty boy swag

1. Get a hat. Stores have them.
2. Smell good. Girls always love axe body spray.
3. Wear whatever you need to wear in order to look cool. Hollister and American Eagle are always the

. But if you want more of that toddler swag go with aeropostale.

4. Learn how to dance. Or learn how to look tight at dance parties without dancing
Here's one example.
Gotta practice your moves.

5. Wear ray bans. Wear ray bans with beanies or a hat to increase swagger
Oh yeah.

6. Now get out there and get chicks.

How to eat a light spin salad

Light spin salad

^Gotta watch^

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I remember when i got the training wheels off my bike. I remember having braces. I remember when halloweens seemed more halloweeny. I remember building forts. I remember when the killers and fall out boy were cool.

I remember getting ten teeth pulled cause mine wouldn't come out. I remember bionicles and sonic the hedgehog. I remember running home from friends houses because i didn't like being outside alone. I remember a lot of what I want to forget.

Ahh man, what a speedster

Monday, October 29, 2012


Take a second and imagine a beautiful, wonderful place where the grass is green, where stores and restaraunts are open on sundays. You might be thinking of everywhere on earth besides Utah County. If you want Utah County to be as beautiful as these other places, you'll be smart and vote for prop 6.

#takethepowerback #genius #theideaforthisblogposttookacentury

1 Word


For a while there i thought i was stuck, bound. I couldn't tell what was holding me back, I didn't even want to admit i was being held back. Being stuck was fun, but it wasn't real. The escape was hard, but the in the end it was definitely worth it.

I thought i was some brilliant brain scientist, a genius, if you will. I was really just some sconer jr, trying to get some extra brownie pounnies.

It's nice being real again. Even if real doesn't make sense.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Wiz is so smart. He's like my role model.

How cute is this?!^
I was TOTALLY just thinking about this. Sometimes it's like tumblr just reads my mind.
My heart literally melted when i read this. SO original and perfect....

So me right now

Just a little something i drew. I LOVE art.
We all have these people in our lives, don't we?

Direct Order: Grand Slam

"Oh, alex? is that your name?"
"Yes, yes it is."
"Well you sir are about to receive some direct orders."
"That's my job, sir. Not anything unusual about that."
"Oh no no no.'re so naive."
"Sir.... just tell me your order. I work at dennys, i serve people food. Can we just get this over with?"

You've been given a direct order to get me a grand slam. Get me a grand slam like this is the last grand slam you'll ever serve. Get me a grand slam like i was a celebrity. Get me a grand slam like i need to be home by curfew. Get me a grand slam like i like my grand slams.

"Sir, i understand you want a grand slam. I'm trying to be patient with you but why are you doing this? And how would you like your eggs? and bacon or sausage?"

Get me a grand slam with some eggs...... sunny side up. Get me a grand slam with two fu**** strips of bacon, and some sausage too. Get me a grand slam. In fact, get me some orange juice too. Get me a grand slam with an orange juice. That's how i like my grand slams. Get me a grand slam like i like my grand slams.

Alex immediately quit his job at denny's (after he served the man his grand slam) to go and chase his dreams because he was so inspired by the strange man who wanted a grand slam. Alex went on to live a great life and do wonderful things that benefitted the world all because the words of "The grand slam man" prompted him to do so.

Inspired by the horrible waiter, alex, at at denny's and all of the over-enthusiastic people in the world.



Bricksntape is a really useful, new creation that combines two of the world's greatest inventions all in one. Bricksntape is essentially a brick, (see example) with duct tape (see example) all over it.
Duct tape
This concept may be hard to grasp at first, but you'll probably get used to it if you have an I.Q. of more than 12. Bricksntape is going to send this world in a whole new direction. Houses will be going up about 300% faster because you don't need that shiz that holds the bricks together. The duct tape on the outside of the brick makes creating buildings a very quick process. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Life and that other thing

Hey if you're reading this you're alive so you've made it this far. Congratulations! Try not to die in the middle of reading this because there are better ways to spend your final minutes. Wait no there's not. As far as I'm concerned, this is the greatest piece of writing that the world has ever seen. Why wouldn't it be? I don't know. Do you? Ok its not the greatest BUT you're still reading so i've done my job.

Life. Life is about being your best, being yourself, and writing the greatest piece of writing that has ever been writ by a writer. #Gotdatswag

If you're really concerned about being a good person who lives a great life, you don't need to worry about that other thing. Death? is that what it's called??  You're going to end up in the right place if you focus on living a good life and not worry so much about death because living a good life is going to make death a lot easier.

Bone Talk

My bones and I are starting to agree more and more. I used to worry when my mind would tell my bones what to do when they didn't agree.

Like that fake laugh you give sometimes to be nice. My bones know who's important to me and who's not, my bones know when to be genuine, my bones know when i shouldn't care. I just need to get my head on straight so my mind and bones can cooperate.

My bones know when i'm not acting right. My mind says "keep going, fake it." My bones don't put up with that. They've decided they want to use their time and energy on people who matter. My mind's still thinking about what these things are. I used to think i knew for sure, but finally that feeling in my bones made my head figure out none of it was real. It feels good. I think i have some pretty wise bones. Listen to your bones.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

What I'm thinking about.

I'm thinking about you like olympians thinks about gold.
Like scientists think about answers and answers think about being found out.
I'm thinking about you like chefs think about a recipe.
Like Philosopers think about life. Like life thinks about death and death thinks about memories.

Other things are different.

I',m thinking about you like sumo wrestlers think about a diets.
Like Allen Iverson thinks about practice.
Like summer thinks about winter.
Like black thinks about white.
Like flowers think about weeds.
I'm thinking about you like the bobcats think about winning eight games.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Is all i'm saying just a bunch of blah blah blah?
Are you gonna read my words?
Or are you gonna feel my words?
Am i making any impression?

I'm Bob Loblaw, but i don't say blah blah blah.                          
Read my words if you're kind.
Feel my words if you care.
Maybe i made an impression, maybe i'm just blind.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I'm too afraid of making a creative title for this post.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” -Nelson Mandela

This is one of my favorite quotes ever. It has got to be the most optimistic view on fear that there's ever been and that's why i like it so much. It gives me hope of overcoming my fears of inadequacy, rejection, and regret. Fear is always going to be a part of our lives. Fear is inevitable. Fear is necessary.  

Sunday, September 16, 2012

What it is.

I have decided that when i find my passion or passions later in life i will chase them and go 100% in them. What you are passionate about is what makes you happy. And i believe that nothing is more important than happiness.

Lately, for some reason, people have been talking a lot about church around me. I havent been in over a year, but i know im still a good person. People who don't follow church rules nearly as well as i do talk down to me for not going. Are they better than me because they go to church? No, well at least i dont think so. Who would god hold in a higher esteem: a man who goes to church every sunday and lives a pretty normal life or and atheist that is a humanitarian that donates to charity, funds disease research and tries to make an impact on ending poverty? I think most of the human race would say the latter but because of the place we live in a lot of people would say the former. I love alpine and i love utah, but i feel like the people are so like minded/closed minded that any intelligent debate could never take place. Excited to get out of high school and meet some people that can actually accept, or at least think about new ideas. #thatishcray

Love. What else is there?

Love! what a great topic, well most of the time it is.
Love is something i enjoy talking about and listening too. It's a great subject, who doesn't LOVE a good LOVE story??

When we were asked in class what we thought love was, my initial statement sounded kind of bland so i'd like to change it to: Love is what makes you the happiest. Love is what you think about when you wake up and when you go to bed. Love is definitely a drug. Love is doing everything you can when you know there's only a .000001% chance of it working out. Love is what drives us, compels us to do what we do. Love is a lot of things, it might even be everything. Who knows?

I know it is extremely difficult to move on with love, but i am excited for that day to come. My heart says to hold on, my brain says to let go. If i act on my heart it might end our friendship. If i act on my brain....well i could regret it for the rest of my life. I don't want to have a "what if?" haunting me for my entire life. Who knows what could happen.... one thing i am sure of is that i will end up happy. That' the goal of my life. I know when i find the one, (even though right now i think i have found the one, but im a dumb teenager so i don't trust my judgement right now) i will treat her amazing. she is going to be my whole world, that sounds dumb and sappy, but when you choose to spend the rest of your life with one person you have to invest the whole 100% because anything else isn't love.

Monday, September 10, 2012


A change-up is a type of pitch in baseball, right? Where the ball looks like its going one way and then all of the sudden it goes the other.

Life has all kinds of change-ups. Some can be huge events like going to a new school, a divorce, a death in the family. Some can be small. You can ask a simple question and the answer could have a much larger effect on you than you thought it would. The things people say stick. Depending on the person it might stick forever.

I feel like my whole life is in a sort of "change-up" right now. Nothing huge has happened, i'm still me, always will be, but why do i feel this way? My friends are still close, but they're all different, they're all changing. I don't think i like it, but should i even care?? I am out of here after graduation because all these things that i thought were solid in my life are changing. Maybe all these small "change-ups" are having a more negative effect on me than a huge "change-up" would.

Going to college is what i would call a huge change. I want things to go back to the way they were, but i don't see it happening. I think college is what i need. Maybe some girls there can actually recognize the value of a person that cares about them. Everyone talks about living it up in high school, but my definition of living it up and the worlds definition are drastically different. People say they want a lot of friends when all they need are good friends. The saying "quality over quantity" is not even applicable to most people nowadays, at least concerning friendships.


First off, i'd just like to say that maybe none of us are human and we are all government created androids. There's really no way of knowing.

But....if we are human, some of the requirements to be human would be to be able to think critically, the ability to form opinions, love, and we would need to eat and drink to survive. Humans are a unique species because they don't just survive, they live the way they want to and they have a consciousness that allows them to see the consequences of their actions, which i think is pretty cool. Humans are considered to be the most intelligent species on earth, but a lot of the time they will believe anything they hear. Stupid people in large groups is a very dangerous and prominent force on our planet and it is frustrating to see ignorant people make uninformed decisions, but that's just another part of being human that we have to deal with. At least we can recognize the stupidity of others unlike any other animal. If we (humans) didn't have the ability to think critically we would live much simpler and less fulfilling lives, but then again ignorance is bliss isn't it. The topic of humans is a pretty broad topic so there is a lot to talk about, but those are the things that came to my mind as i thought of being human.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Hey blog world, i'm bob. I'm excited to get #Bloggy here on the world wide web. I enjoy chess, dust collecting, and scrapbooking. I have never done a blog before so i'm looking forward to having a new hobby, hopefully it will be something i like to do, it will definitely take some getting used to.

I didn't like the thought of keeping everything anonymous and using a pen name so i used my real name, Bob Loblaw. That's just one of the crazy things i do. I'm all about pushing things to the limit. I plan on being a pretty yolo blogger.