Monday, September 10, 2012


First off, i'd just like to say that maybe none of us are human and we are all government created androids. There's really no way of knowing.

But....if we are human, some of the requirements to be human would be to be able to think critically, the ability to form opinions, love, and we would need to eat and drink to survive. Humans are a unique species because they don't just survive, they live the way they want to and they have a consciousness that allows them to see the consequences of their actions, which i think is pretty cool. Humans are considered to be the most intelligent species on earth, but a lot of the time they will believe anything they hear. Stupid people in large groups is a very dangerous and prominent force on our planet and it is frustrating to see ignorant people make uninformed decisions, but that's just another part of being human that we have to deal with. At least we can recognize the stupidity of others unlike any other animal. If we (humans) didn't have the ability to think critically we would live much simpler and less fulfilling lives, but then again ignorance is bliss isn't it. The topic of humans is a pretty broad topic so there is a lot to talk about, but those are the things that came to my mind as i thought of being human.

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